Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Warrior's first home game

Steven plays 6-man football at ICS. He is number 65, yes the tallest one in the line! It's Game Time!

Yep, that's Roger across the field. He volunteered to hold the chains that mark the plays on the field.
What's that? You don't want me to run you over? :)

Where did you think you were going?

Well, we played hard and almost had them at the end but we lost by 4. The score was 88 to 84. It was a great game and we can't wait till the next one!

First Chapel day at Immanuel Christian School

The boys go to Immanuel Christian School here in El Paso. They really enjoy it and are getting settled in and making friends. They have all of the general study courses and a Bible class. They both really are excited about the fact that they can pray at school and read their Bible. They are learning a lot and even schooling me and Roger on some things!
The school has a uniform of khaki pants and a polo shirt on Mon-Thurs and then on Friday's it is chapel dress. Let's do this!
Wait, wait.... I'm not ready yet!

Looking good and ready to go!

Is this a picture of brotherly love or are they just really excited to get to school!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Cloud Croft, New Mexico

Rog and I went to Cloud Croft, New Mexico for Labor day w/ the dogs. Cloud Croft is about an hour and half from El Paso. For those of you that have never been to El Paso it is a desert. So going to somewhere green with trees is something to look forward to!
Perfect photo opp!

Nika wanted to go play with the cows so bad. Every time they moo'ed the dogs would bark and pull on their leashes to go closer.

They are free to roam! And you had better watch where you step as they are free to do that wherever they like as well!!

Break time!

What! The trail ends here? :) We had walked for about two hours on this trail that went through the woods and to the other side...so we thought! So, since we weren't sure where we would come out if we kept going we turned around and headed back.

The dogs decided the would walk me! They loved being outside in the wide open. Trixie who is on the left is 11 and it is harder for her to get around but you couldn't tell the way she was running in the field.